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Many of our lives changed dramatically during the world health crisis. As humans, we need connection, stimulation (intellectual or fun), a sense of purpose. We are, after all, pack-animals, needing to feel a part of something, and contribution or purpose is often a part of that. As modern humans, our businesses are often an extension of our identity. Many of ours are in jeopardy. Some of us are doing better than ever. We look for help to make our operations visible, connected and us feeling good about what we are offering and how we show up. Our MeetUp group below addresses some of these issues. Most events are free, and some will be offered at a low fee. We hope you will participate in one or more, and spread the word to others so they can, too. 

Our MeetUp group addresses your entire life!
Available on Zoom internationally, or IRL in Santa Cruz, CA
often several times each week
Image by bantersnaps

Lots of free & a few low cost events for wellness, business and connection

Attend online events from wellness classes, business trainings and networking, to social events.


We want your input!

  • Suggest a topic

  • Suggest a live event in Santa Cruz or San Jose, CA

  • Be a speaker

  • Let Daz interview you


More info HERE.

Networking Group
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